Arddhraoi Jazz Smudge (Rob Smith)
I was born in the Wirral Peninsular in North-west England. The Wirral is bounded by the River Dee to the west, sacred to the Welsh goddess Dwy (Romanised as Deva Minerva). Her shrine was close to the current site of Chester Cathedral. To the east its bounded by the River Mersey, which was sacred to the goddess Seteia. The first reference to the Wirral comes in the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where it is described as “a land forsaken by both God and man”. A sentiment some say still holds true! Since then, I’ve lived in Manchester, Bradford, Leeds, Israel and Germany. I’ve also visited Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Austria.
I moved to London over 30 years ago. I live in a small flat on a Council Estate with my partner of 29 years, Mike. I have done a number of jobs along the way administrator, computer programmer, warehouseman, storeman and carer.
I always wanted a connection with the divine but did not feel comfortable with Orthodox forms of Christianity. Mike trained to be a Roman Catholic priest and we have spent many hours discussing religion, philosophy, anthropology and history. On a trip home we visited Chester Cathedral. I was looking for a present for my sister, who was an interior decorator. She was the artistic one of the family. I came across ‘Spiral Patterns by Aiden Meehy. There was a picture of the triskele from the inner chamber of Burgh na Boinne, Newgrange. There was something special about it and I felt a strange affinity with it. I had to find out more.
Over the last twenty years I have read and bought as many books, articles and journals about Celtic paganism as I could find. I have been a member of OBOD but I found their approach too general. So I went back to basics and started re-reading the myths and the folklore. I found, I had a buadh, endowment, for writing ollamain, prayers, and deas-ghnàthan, rituals. One focus is the First Law of the Gauls – Dhomh urram do Bhrianna – Give Honour to the Gods. Another is moral philosophy, the Second Law – Na Dèan Olc – Do No Evil.
As Arddhraoi I hope I can help everyone in the Tuatha follow the Third Law – Lorg do bhuadhan – Follow Your Endoments. Sometimes we walk the path alone and sometimes we walk with others. No matter what path you follow I will try my best to help you develop along your chosen path and build on the foundations and examples Melangell and Ellen have given us.
If you have questions, queries, comments or just fancy a chat, please contact me at JazzSmudgeson@proton.me or Jazz smudgeson on FB Messenger.
Beannachd Bhrianna Leat! May the blessings of the gods be with you!
A Letter of Introduction from Melangell Green -July 2023
Greetings, Tribe!
I wanted to introduce myself to you all as your new Archdruid with a little bit of personal background, along with thoughts for the future of our group.
Brief bio: I am 72 years old, a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and have been a Pagan since my late teens. Astrology led me to this path, making me a lifelong skywatcher, mapping out cycles and seasons to serve as guidance. Naturally I fell into step with “earth religions” and eventually became a priestess. Through the years I was active in many public Pagan movements, including the Witches’ Anti-Defamation League, supporting local gatherings, and founding the now-defunct Pittsburgh Pagan Alliance. Through the 1980s and into the 90s, the PPA served as a networking source, social platform, media outlet, and supported the annual Summer Solstice festival known as the Goddess Gathering in Ohio for several years.
I am retired from the Carnegie Museums where I worked as a research assistant in the Entomology (Insects and Spiders) section, then later in Planning and Development as a gift processor. I am self-educated except for some formal training in Graphic Arts. Currently I live on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, surrounded by the pollinator and native plant gardens which I’ve been cultivating for the past ten years. My hobbies and interests include writing, mainly poetry (with a particular fascination with the ancient “bardic” forms), veganism, herbs, native plants, butterfly watching, and ecology.
As the new Archdruid, I offer strong roots in earth-friendly practices and philosophy, years of experience as a Pagan leader and priestess, and a dedication to the Druid ways. My basic goal for our Tribe is to “bring the light of ancient ways through the mist of time into modern life”. The most important Celtic virtues, to me, are Truth, Loyalty, and Hospitality with emphasis on Nature itself.
My name (mel-an-geth) is taken from a Welsh saint who, like many others, was originally a land Goddess. She is a protector of wildlife, especially hares, and reflects my own dedication.
Here is a verse I composed in the bardic style in answer to the question “From Whence Have You Come?”
Not hard to say -
From between the Birch and Yew,
Through the Oaken doorway,
Out of Hazel-strewn waters,
Into a sea of azure blue,
Over Summer’s diamond days,
By the lines of my own hand,
Writing on the edge of stones,
At the well of timeless deep,
Where all poetry lives forever.
Blessings on you all!
P.S. I served as ArchDruid until August 2024.
Archdruid Emerita, Ellen Evert Hopman

Ellen Evert Hopman is a Master Herbalist and lay Homeopath who holds an M.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling. She has been a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild since 1995. She was the founder of the White Oak Druid mailing list and then a co-founder of the White Oak Druid Order (Ord na Darach Gile). She was Co-Chief of the Order of White Oak for five years. Earlier, she was a founder and then Vice President of the Henge of Keltria Druid Order for nine years. She was also the founder of The New England Druid Summit, a yearly gathering of Druids in New England.
Ellen was Professor of Wortcunning, Healing, and Lore at the Grey School of Wizardry for four years, and was one of the founders. She is Second Circle in ADF (initiated by Isaac Bonewits) and was made an Archdruidess in the Druid Clan of Dana, Grove of Brighid, by Lady Olivia Robertson when she visited her castle in Clonegal, Ireland. Ellen is also a Bard of the Gorsedd of Caer Abiri. She was a featured subject in A&E television’s "The Unexplained" , Secret Societies, The Druids and the Knights Templars original air date 4 March, 1997. She is co-creator of the Virtual Shrine of the Goddess Brighid.
Visit Ellen's website at www.elleneverthopman.com to order any of her many books and stay updated on her speaking engagements. Contact Ellen at eehopmanauthor@earthlink.net