Celebrating Imbolc
“The serpent will come from the hole
on the brown day of Bride (Brighid)
though there may be three feet of snow
on the surface of the ground.” - Carmina Gadelica

The Brighid’ s Cross is an ancient solar symbol that celebrates the
return of the first fires of spring.
To make your Brigid’s Cross, you'll need straw, reeds, or construction
paper -- if you're using plant material like straw or reeds, you'll want to
soak it overnight so it's pliable when you go to make your Cross. Your end
result will be about the length of one piece of your material -- in other
words, a bundle of 12" reeds will yield a Brighid’ s Cross just slightly
longer than 12".
1.. Get a bundle of rushes or straw about 15 inches long.
2.. Take two and cross them at the centre.
3.. Fold one back on itself around the other one.
4.. Take a third one and fold it around the second one, parallel to the
first. You should now have a T-shaped piece, with one arm having one strand,
another having two and the third having three.
5.. Fold a fourth rush around the third one to form a cross again.
6.. Fold a fifth one around the fourth, parallel to the single strand.
7.. Continue folding rushes around the previous one until the central
square is about one and a half to two inches wide (this is optional, but the
cross gets a bit unwieldy if it's much bigger).
8.. Finally, tie the ends of each arm tightly with wool or other natural
fiber. Tidy up the ends with a scissors.
Straw can be used instead of rushes, but sometimes it is brittle and breaks
easily when being folded. Remember too that freshly cut rushes will dry and
the cross will become loose. Just untie the ends and pull them all tightly
together again.
Another description of how to do it –
1. Find 9, 8-12 inch rushes, swizzle sticks or drinking straws and four
small to medium sized rubber bands.
2. Hold one of the rushes/straws vertically.
3. Fold a second straw in half horizontally over and at a right
angle over the center of the first straw with the second straw projecting
to the right. Snug the inside of the bend right up to the first straw at its
4. Grasp the center overlap tightly between thumb and fore-finger.
5. Turn the two straws held together 90 degrees counter clockwise (left)
(The two ends of the second straw will be projecting upwards.)
6. Fold the third straw in half over both parts of the second straw
horizontally from left to right and snug the inside of the fold up against the
center and the second straw. Hold tight.
7. Holding the center tightly! Rotate all straws (the entire
assembly) 90 degrees counter clockwise. (left)
8. This time, the bottom half of the first straw will be projecting
upward. Fold a new straw in half over and across all straws projecting upward.
9. Snug the straw tightly against the center and against the vertical
10. Holding the center tightly rotate all straws (the entire assembly) 90
degrees counter clockwise.
11. Fold a new straw in half over all vertical straws from left to right
and snug up to center and to the right.
12. Repeat the process of rotating all straws (the entire assembly) 90
degrees to the left and folding the new straw over until all straws have
been used.
Remember: Hold tight to the center.
13. When the last straw has been used snug all straws to center being
careful to hold tight to the last straw folded.
14. Secure the last arm of the cross with a rubber band or if using
Rushes, platted straw or string. Then secure each other arm.
15. You may paint the drinking straws but be careful as wet paint will
Dissolve the thin paper covering. Place rushes on a flat surface to dry. You
may wish to seal the rushes when dry with a paint of your choice.